Paper Format and Review Criteria
We invite the following two types of papers:
- Full Paper: limited to 8 pages, including all text, figures, and references
- Short Paper: limited to 4 pages, including all text, figures, and references.
Full Papers should describe original contents with evaluations. They will be reviewed by more than two experts based on:
- Originality of the content
- Quality of the content based on evaluation
- Relevance to the theme
- Clarity of the written presentation
Short papers should describe work in-progress as position papers. They will be reviewed by two experts based on:
- Originality of the content
- Relevance to the theme
- Clarity of the presentation
The workshop proceedings will be included in those of ICMR2021 and published in the ACM Digital Library within its International Conference Proceedings Series. All papers must be written in English and should be formatted according to the ACM proceedings style.
- NOTE: Authors of CEA2021 must use the "sigconf" proceedings template.
- NOTE: CCS code generation support tool is available here
Presentation Types
Accepted Papers will be presented as oral and/or poster presentations. It depends on the time schedule and the capacity of the room allocated for our workshop (or the functionality of a virtual conference system specisifed by ICMR2021). The presentation type for each paper will be announced on the Program page, which will open once the workshop program is finalized.
Best Paper Award
The Organizing Committee may select a Full paper presented for our workshop for the Best Paper Award.
Review & Acceptance Policy
Dual submissions are not allowed, which means that a paper will be rejected without review if it has been published or accepted as another journal or reviewed conference paper in substantially similar form. Furthermore, the authors must not submit a paper that contains significant overlap with the contributions of the paper to other conferences or journals during the review period of this workshop.
Since the review process will be conducted in the "double-blind" style, paper submissions should be completely anonymized; There should be no indication of the authors' identities in the paper. Papers exceeding the page limits will be rejected without review.
All accepted authors must submit the "ACM rights management form," which will be sent to the authors after the acceptance notification. An accepted paper will not be published in the proceedings if the authors do not submit this form by the camera-ready submission deadline. At least one of the authors should register by the author registration deadline, and all registered papers should be presented by at least one of the authors.
Paper Submission
All papers should be submitted via EasyChair, a conference management system. It is commonly used among the main conference and all the workshops in ICMR2021. Please first select the track "Workshop -- Multimedia for Cooking and Eating Activities" in the "Select a Track" page, and then follow the subsequent instructions.