
Cooking is one of the most fundamental activities of humankind. It is not only connected with the joy of eating but also deeply affects various aspects of human life such as health, culinary art, entertainment, and human communication. Cooking at home requires experience and knowledge. They may also need support for food-logging and menu planning for their family health. Needless to say, support for a good and enjoyable meal would improve the quality of life. Systematic cooking/eating support for elderly or physically challenged people is also significantly important.

Since a cooking activity requires people to manipulate foods, watch their conditions, listen to the sounds, smell the aromas, and taste it, a cooking assistive system should also be capable of handling multiple sensitivities. CEA has been aiming to provide an opportunity for such research groups to discover each other, introduce their trials, and discuss their status and where they should go. The research community of CEA is truly interdisciplinary, including health science, domestic science, and cultural science. Even if we limit ourselves to computer science, there is related work in multimedia, human-computer interaction, natural language processing, data mining, and artificial intelligence.

As the ninth meeting of this workshop series, it aims to provide an opportunity for such research groups to discover each other, introduce their trials, and discuss how it should be and where they should go.


The workshop welcomes contributions in, but not limited to, the following topics:

Call for Full and Short Papers

We invite the submission of

  1. Full Papers with 5 to 6 pages
  2. Short Papers with 3 to 4 pages

Full Papers should describe original contents with evaluations. It will be reviewed by more than two experts based on:

  1. Originality of the content
  2. Quality of the content based on evaluation
  3. Relevance to the theme
  4. Clarity of the written presentation

The CEA2017 Best Paper Award and the CEA2017 Student Grant will be selected from the Full Papers presented at the CEA2017 workshop. Accepted Full Papers will be presented as either oral or poster presentations.

Short papers should describe work in-progress as position papers. It will be reviewed by two experts based on:

  1. Originality of the content
  2. Clarity of the presentation

Accepted Short Papers will be presented as poster presentations.

Since the review process will be conducted in the "double-blind" style, submissions should be completely anonymized; There should be no indication of the authors' identities in the paper.

At least one of the authors should register by the author registration deadline, and all registered papers should be presented by at least one of the authors. Dual submissions are not allowed, which means that a paper will be rejected without review if it has been published or accepted as another journal or reviewed conference paper in substantially similar form. Furthermore, the authors must not submit a paper that contains significant overlap with the contributions of the paper to other conferences or journals during the review period of this workshop.

HCG group of IEICE
Cookpad Inc.
foo.log Inc.